Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Poppy Season in Provence

It is poppy season in Provence - along the roads, in the meadows, even in the vineyards - right now those little red flowers pop up all over the place. Here today, gone tomorrow - they are so pretty , they just make everyone smile.


  1. I miss seeing them this year. Driving the roads in France, it is just like a little kiss scattered in the fields. Poppies are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  2. What lovely poppies Barbara :)
    And happy, happy birthday to you dear friend, I feel so lucky to know you :)
    You are a May baby like I am, we must celebrate together, just comr on over!xxx Ozlem

  3. So beautiful! Brings back good memories for me.

  4. So Beautiful!!! Have a wonderful day!

  5. This makes me crave for the summer even more. In England it has been raining for ages...
    It is so beautiful where you are!

  6. I took a drive up into the valley this weekend and I too was entranced by the poppies. The way the sun seems to light them up is amazing. As is the color of the new leaves on the vines...and you caught them both!

  7. We love the poppies in Provence. I love your pictures!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday Barbara, great birthday card post /:>), and our poppies are stupendous aren't they, lovely photos..loƧve the vines and the flowers ++

  9. A beautiful time of year! Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  10. Hi Barbara : ) Just posted an Antioch style (southern Turkish) stuffed peppers with bulgur, spices, pomegranate molasses and spices at, thought you may want to have a look :)
    hope all is well, xxx ozlem
