Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Raspberrry Financiers

One thing I have learned in France is, when invited to a dinner party you don't just graciously accept and then think about what to gift your hostess. Oh no! It seems the polite thing to do is to ask "what can I bring?" That doesn't always mean your offer is taken, but sometimes it is and so today I am preparing a little dessert for six people to take along to an invitation tonight. Crème de Citron and Financiers aux Framboises it will be, elegant bite sized (oaky, two bites) petit fours that, as long as you have some frozen raspberries at hand are a cinch to make.
All you need is 110 g powdered sugar, 3 eggwhites, 55 g almond flour (ground almonds), 35 g flour,  100 g butter and a handful of raspberries.
With a wodden spoon, stir all ingredients except for the butter together. Melt the butter and let cook for a few minutes so its color changes to a nutty light brown. Let the melted butter cool down, then mix into the batter. Fill into a financier baking form (you could also use a madeleine form or miniature cupcake forms), push two frozen rasperries into each financier and bake at 180C/350F for 20 minutes.
Rasperry financiers in their baking form

Tonight's Dessert


  1. Lovely!

    The "what can I bring" is the Australian way too!

  2. I bet your social calendar is full. :) These look so good. I love a recipe that is written by weight - using a scale takes all the guess work out.

  3. What a lovely couple of bites they will be when you serve this perfectly portioned dessert. Your hosts will be happy they took you up on your offer to bring something to contribute to the dinner. If the main course is a wonderful as your dessert, it should be a memorable dining experience. Now is one of those times when I wish the US had followed through in switching to the metric system. I have a freezer full of carefully frozen raspberries, but will have to convert the measurements first. Is there a recipe for the creme de citron?

  4. What a great gift to bring! I hope you had a lovely evening!

  5. These sound wonderful. I wish you were coming to my house :)

  6. These look and sound great! I didn't realize there are raspberry financier forms. I will have to look for these in a cook shop next time I back in France.

  7. Barbara, ich liebe die wunderbaren financiers aux framboises, einfach unschlagbar - ein schönes Rezept und ein wunderbares Mitbringsel. Und die crème de citron in den Gläsen sieht auch lecker und erfrischend aus - haben sich die Gastgeberin und die Gäse bestimmt ziemlichgefreut!
    Ganz liebe Grüsse aus Bonn (inzwischen ist es doch recht kühl geworden),
    Andrea - einen beschaulichen ersten Advent wünsche ich euch auch

  8. Yum on those financiers! They look delicious. So what's the other dessert? Looks like a pudding of some kind....great comfort food.
