Monday, October 10, 2011

Food For Thought

We had two wonderful evenings at our friend's Olli and Sabine. The first night we were invited Olli had prepared such a delicious and generous seafood spread as a first course that we never managed to eat the main course. So we were reinvited for the next night to have the rabbit stew and dessert and that is when I found this card in their kitchen: "Love yourself and you can eat anything you want."
Food for thought? See for yourself: don't our friends just look as if they live by this?
Sabine and Olli


  1. Love the quote and it proves again..nothing is more worth than spending time with good friends(and good wine;)

  2. I love that quote, Barbara!! Just love it.

  3. That is a great quote and a beautiful photo of you and Claudia...I'd like to let you know that the recipes you shared with me/us are still hits: I did the tapenade on the weekend and everyone raved!

  4. Dzoli - you are right, good friends and a good glass of wine are a great combination.
    Susan - I actually thought of you when I posted this, I knew you would like it!
    Lynn - good to hear from you! Could you please say a big thank you to your friend for her nice comments on Rick Steves and Tripadvisor? Merci!

  5. I'm always in here but my comments don't seem to go? I will tell them, and they like myself remain big fans!!
